Planning Red Tape Reduced on Rural Buildings
New legislation comes into force today that provides greater flexibility for Agriculture to Residential conversions. AGRICULTURAL TO...

"You saved my bacon!"
And you’re coming to my birthday party! You know you’ve done an excellent job when you hear this! ✅ Planning APPROVED in 8 weeks! For a...

Attention Property Developers!
My top 5 Tips for obtaining Planning Permission: ✅ Understand what the Development Plan policies for your Council area say about what...

Step into the day of....
A private sector Chartered Town Planner. As a mum, my day often starts before the school run as I like to be ahead of the game. No two...

Planning Permission APPROVED!
Transforming a redundant brownfield site. This was a complex application due to its flood risk zone locations. Thanks to an incredible...

If you're starting out....
Investing in commercial property for the first time. Here’s my single biggest piece of planning advice for you. When looking at a site,...