levelling-up bill

Consultation on the Levelling-Up Regeneration Bill: reforms to National Planning Policy
The Government is seeking views on a revised approach to the National Planning Policy Framework as part of this Bill. The proposals relate to England only. The consultation runs until 2nd March 2023.
The policy objectives of the consultation proposals are centres on:
Building beautiful and refusing ugliness:- the Bill requires every local authority to produce a design code for its area. The codes will set clear minimum standards on development in that area, for example height, form and density.
Securing the infrastructure needed to support development:- the Bill will seek to include a measure to capture uplifts in land value more effectively through a new Infrastructure Levy, along with powers to pilot land auctions as an alternative way for local authorities to determine suitable land for planning permission.
More democratic engagement with communities on local plans:- the Bill includes measures for locally prepared plans to be prepared to a swift two-year time frame alongside increasing the amount of community consultation that is undertaken during preparation.
Better environmental outcomes: the Bill proposes to do more to support environmental enhancement, nature recovery and climate change adaption to mitigate the effects of pollution .
Empowering communities to shape their neighbourhoods: The Bill proposes to strengthen opportunities for people to influence planning decisions that affect their immediate area.
The approach of the proposals is to deliver more homes in the right places, supported by sustainable and integrated infrastructure for our communities and our economy.
What this space to see what actually ends up in the final Bill, when enacted as an Act of Parliament!