More New Permitted Development Rights.... Friend or Foe!

Permitted Development Rights (PDRs) are a national grant of planning permission which allows certain building works and changes of use to be carried out without having to make a planning application first.
Different types of development are subject to different conditions and criteria and in some instances a request for consideration of Prior Approval should be submitted to the council, where some technical matters still need to be submitted - the purpose is to protect the local amenity.
The Town and Country Planning (General Permitted Development) (England) (Amendment) Order 2021 (GPDO) (No. 2) came into force on the 1st August 2021 and has introduced various changes to the GPDO.
The most substantial changes that came into force on 1st August 2021 relate to the GPDO:
• Part 3 Changes of use, and
• Part 4 Temporary Buildings and Uses.
These Parts grant planning permission for the changes of use only, with the exception of the PDR for agricultural buildings, launderette, betting office, pay day loan shops, hot food takeaway, casino or amusement centre to residential - which permit specified building operations.
Planning permission is required for building operations where this is not provided by the GPDO - eg to remove a shop front to convert a shop to a dwelling.
Class MA
•Class MA allows the change of use from Class E to residential.
•Class MA replaces Class O (office to resi).
•Class MA partially replaces Class M.
•Only listed buildings and their curtilage and properties in the most sensitive locations such as World Heritage Sites, National Parks AONB’s will be excludes from the PD right.
•Class MA is subject to conditions and Prior Approval submission (separate note).
Class G
•Class G now permits change of use form class E to Class E and up to 2 flats.
•Class G now permitted change of use from a betting office or pay day loan shop to Class E and up to 2 flats.
•Class G is subject to a lost of conditions (separate note)
•Class G, from 1st August 2021 now requires prior approval.
•Development begun before this date may be allowed to continue to proceed irrespective of whether an application for prior approval has been made*.
• Do not believe all the media hype.
• There remains opportunities through PDR.
• Must follow the conditions and Prior Approval process.
• Opportunities in laundrettes, betting offices and pay day loan shop conversions and these allow for specified building works too.
* Dependent upon site circumstances